Author: liberatingdharma_wd1zil

  • Question: Why can’t I Get as Deep as I used to?

    Question: When I first began, it was difficult I have moments where I can be in a trance state but they’re not long like they used to be I can’t get as deep as I used to but I have moments of that deepness is there any advice you can give me? Answer: If you…

  • Question: is the unification of ekaggatā the same as equanimity?

    A to the Q: It can be. In the refined mind state of fourth jhāna, unification and equanimity have merged. This kind of unification is one way that equanimity shows up. In the context of this kind of deep meditative state, the serenity of unification can show up as embodied stillness and equanimity. The body…

  • Question: is ekaggatā the same thing as samādhi?

    A to the Q: Ekaggatā refers to being concentrated on one object, or on one point, especially in samādhi. So in that sense, the terms are definitely synonymous. That said, samādhi is a broader term: it refers to overall meditative stability and concentration, stability or concentration that is not necessarily pinpointed on one meditative object.…

  • Question about single pointed meditation

    Question: when I try to do single pointed meditation, my mind guides me away. It feels like it is not skillful for me. Yet I remain interested, as so many people report that it is very healing. What do you suggest? A to the Q: I really encourage you to work within what feels skillful…

  • On wisdom and equanimity

    One simple way to consider the difference between wisdom and equanimity is to look at how each of these qualities function in our minds and lives. One important function of wisdom, for example, is to discern which actions of body, speech, or mind are likely to result in benefit – or in harm. Discerning wisdom…

  • Reflecting on Virtues — and Including Vulnerabilities

    BUDDHIST IDEAS Recollecting virtues is a classic contemplation~ Reflecting on virtues builds confidence ~  Naming others’ virtues can build relationships ~ Including vulnerability builds trust ~ Reflecting on Virtues and Vulnerabilities with Kindness: ~The safety of kind, honest, reflection~ I was walking with a good Dharma friend earlier this week, and really appreciated how attuned he…

  • Care and compassion in brief

    BUDDHIST BASICS Care and Compassion are natural qualities~   Both can be cultivated~ Anukampa is a “quivering of the heart”~ Karuṇā is an intentionally developed mindstate~ CARE & COMPASSION IN BRIEF Karunā and anukampa Compassion (karuṇā) can be defined as the capacity to be with suffering and the wish to act to alleviate it – without…

  • Protecting Inner and Outer Peace

    BUDDHIST IDEAS Hiri &Ottappa are called Bright Guardians~ They’re internal states~  Hiri guards integrity~ Ottappa concerns outer consequences~ Protecting inner & outer peace: ~Hiri and Ottappa in daily life ~ Hiri[1] and ottappa[2],  the bright guardians of the world, evoke a range of translations and interpretations. For me, hiri’s common association with shame, even moral…

  • Some influences on my teaching

    My evolution as a practitioner and teacher  (part 2) After being urged to teach, I asked my Western Dharma teachers for guidance on further mentoring and education. Guy was headed to Burma to temporarily ordain, and Joseph was on the other side of the country. They suggested that I practice and receive mentoring from Gil…

  • A bit about my practice

     (part 1) I come from a spiritually eclectic background revolving around a love of nature and science. I was lucky to have the opportunity to practice in many Buddhist contexts early on, including local Zen temples and a lengthy Buddhist pilgrimage in Asia. I’m a bit of an amateur cultural anthropologist, and fell in love…